Thursday, July 24, 2008


Many of you have heard me say that sometimes I think my kids don't speak English! (Well don't hear it is more like it!) D came in from outside and had dirty feet on a clean floor AHHHH, so I told him to turn on the tub and splash water on his feet to clean them off! This is what  D heard... 
 I have no idea what Z was thinking! The best part is that when Dad busted them, D blamed it all on me! What can you do? Love these kids to death! 


somebodysmom said...

Hang on it gets much worse. Wait for D to be 17 and Z to be 16. Somewhere I'll be smiling, you can bet on that.

Randi said...

I guess you can be glad they at least didn't go get the baby!!
Funny kids!

Tami Vincent said...

That is so funny. If sound like they half-way listened. it is called selective hearing, my kids are pro's at that.