Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Six miles!

Six miles, Six miles, what was I thinking! Ohhhh I am going to be sore tomorrow (today)! Well this is the story- So I was behind be six miles in our Worthington Family Challenge, so me being a really "sore" loser decided to get the lead back all in one day! Now I can be the "sore" winner, which is really a much better place for me! 

I'm still working on my earlier problem, you know about the "Shut #@ and let me workout!" problem. I was on my way home after I had just finished my six miles, and the end is pushing the two kids in the jogging stroller and packing the baby up the hill to our house. Well anyway, someone I know is driving by and gives me the "I feel so sorry for you look". I guess maybe the problem is that I don't feel sorry for me, should I feel sorry, I just exercised for six miles and pushed 100 + pounds up the hill! I feel great, I did something hard, and I feel awesome! UGGG maybe I should just not care so much, but I am way into reading peoples body language, and facial expressions.  You know the words you use only account for 7% of what people "hear"!
What do you think he is thinking? Maybe he should just workout with me!


Sunni said...

I have a solution for you... Just don't make any friends or talk to anyone the entire time your in Az. This will accomplish 2 things, 1. Even if someone looks at you, it will be a perfect stranger and you can just stick your tongue out and keep going (lazy car person anyway), and 2. It will make it so life in Az. totally stinks, and you will count down the days to come back home to us, instead of getting swooned to stay there by the beautiful sun and new friends! Deal? By the way, did my cat call out the front door offend you this morning? You know I had to do it after reading this blog;). And can I say that you rock you 10K maniac!!!

Amy Peterson said...

cat calls don't offend me, apparently you just shouldn't look at me, and I won't take offense ; )

Christy Matthews said...

People always looked at super woman weird too! Those she rescued always seemed surprised and the evil guys were always shocked at her power. Hello, the woman could stop a bus with her bare hands. People just don't know how to react to a strong women! Love ya--from one super woman to another! Just say "yeah keep looking--take notes"!