Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Favorite Palm Tree

I didn't know there were so many different types of palm trees, I have always just loved them! But there are thousands of species of palm trees! After a week of just loving the fact that I live where there are palm trees, I have narrowed my favorites down to a couple.  Here is one of my favorites the Coco Palm- now I love this palm tree because it has a smooth trunk, which I overwhelmingly prefer in a palm tree!  
Z had her first day of Preschool today. She started the day off saying "I don't like me teacher!" But she has never met her teacher. Then she went for the "The other kids will be rude to me and hurt me!" Then we had the "if your nice they more than likely will be nice as well" talk. So we dressed her in her choice of clothes, and finished her off with a pink flower in her hair, and off to school. She loved it!! I have pictures but I can't find my computer/camera cord, so as soon as I find it I will post them! 

D played at a friends house today, a friend that is a girl- he didn't like that idea at first but she is pretty tuff, and now he is OK with it! He wanted two boy friends just like in Utah, but she IS pretty cute! ; ) 


Sunni said...

A cute outfit, and a pink flower in the hair can pretty much take care of any anxiety one may face;) And knowing Zimi she was the fashion statement of the Tuesday/Thursday class. p.s. Amy will you send me a palm leaf for my bday?

Randi said...

I had no idea about the palm tree thing! See? Your blog is educational AND entertaining.

Can't wait for the pictures!

Christy Matthews said...

Can't wait for the photos! You're such a good mommy!