Tuesday, September 30, 2008


You all might get a kick out of this! So on my way back from the dropping my mom at the airport last week, the 17 was closed down so it forced everyone off the freeway, I decided to head into old Glendale and then up north instead of following all the other cars and having it take like an hour. Anyway- I am totally in the wrong part of town (when your car is the only one without bullet holes (fake or real)  you know your in the wrong part of town) so I get pulled over. The police woman was really nice, drivers license, registration, insurance card- then she asked the question, "Do you know why I stopped you today?" I mean what am I suppose to answer, "Um, I wasn't really paying attention to the road, and I was fiddling with my GPS, which says not to while your driving?" "I totally flipped a U turn where I am not suppose to?" "I am sure at some point I was going at least 1 mile an hour over the speed limit?" "You needed some one to pull over so you were not accused of profiling?" So I say,"Um, cause I'm in the wrong part of town?" She responds, "Yes, you are in the wrong part of town, but that is not why I stopped you, did you know your car is NOT registered?" Me, "What?" Anyway- so all that to say, she says that I have committed a Federal Crime, and I could legally be taken to prison.  So I start apologizing, for really having NO idea that my car registration had expired. After a long examination to make sure my car wasn't stolen. (Cause I look like the stealin' cars kinda girl, with a baby in the back seat) She was kind enough to laugh at me and tell me to fix the problem. So here I am still, no official registration, why because after sitting in the super long line, figuring out how in the heck people register cars in AZ(which is really nice), and flighting 2 little kids for an hour,the car is only registered in Sean's name, so there is absolutely nothing I can do about it! I felt my sanity leave for a moment, and then when I had gathered myself, I talked the poor lady into giving my a temporary permit, so I didn't meet the entire Glendale Police Team. I have already met two very nice officers- that is enough for a little while! I LOVE THE DMV!


Randi said...

I can just picture you grabbing the jail bars and saying "but there was nothing I could do about it!!"

I'm glad you didn't have to do that!

Good luck with the DMV, though!

Anonymous said...

That's a sign that you need to move back to Utah! I wanted to let you know that there's some acre lots here in Mapleton where we can build our houses! =) We just miss yall! Anyway, Matt saw that pic and started laughing and said that he thought it was Sean too when he looked at his head!

somebodysmom said...

So sorry.


That is so funny! Glad that it all worked out okay. Okay so I have a funny question...I am directing a dance competition at Timpview High school in December and they said that they usually get sponsors for breakfast for the coaches and judges. Is this something that kneaders would ever do if we advertised kneaders throughout the day at the competition? If not no worries but I thought I would see if it might be a possibility and if so who I would need to contact.