Monday, September 8, 2008


I can't remember when I thought rain was so great before! Today is beautiful here!! It's RAINING!! Yes, today and tomorrow we get rain, and then the temperature is suppose to be below 100- and when I say below 100 I mean it will be 99 for a few days, so fall has finally arrived! I do miss all the leaves turning and the sweaters and all the Utah fallness! 
UGGG I haven't felt too great for about 5 days now- I think it might be heat exhaustion maybe running in 108 wasn't such a great idea! But I have done my research, and I will double timing the liquids now, hopefully I will feel much better soon! I thought I was drinking a ton of water and had been until about a week ago. ANYWAY- I better get myself back on top of it all! If I'm not back to normal in a few days (mom) I'll go to the doctor!  


Christy Matthews said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

Randi said...

Yikes, Todd recently did a similar thing and ended up in the hospital with heat stroke.
108 + exercise = very dangerous!!
Maybe you can ask for a treadmill for Christmas!

Randi said...

Glad you're OK, though!

Sunni said...

Come on Amy, we all know its not heat exhaustion. Your PREGNANT!

Amy Peterson said...

hey, cute hair Sunni! No not Pregnant, but that wouldn't be too bad, then I'd be done!

Sunni said...

Could you work out twins next time so I could have one too?!