Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As I was sitting here tonight, all the babies finally tucked in, and Sean at school late I heard such a strange noise. CHSHSHCHS something like that! Hu, what is that, I know I've heard that before, thinking, thinking........ SNAKE!

 I quickly started to think of all the other options I had, some little one sneaking around with socks on dragging their feet on the tile, the water heater (it's never sounded like that before-- but just maybe it was turning a new leaf!) 

Anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Then my thoughts turned to IF I were to encounter a snake this evening how exactly would I handle that situation.... would I be brave and take care of the problem myself (how do you caught a snake to begin with?) 

My dad used to chop off their heads with a shovel that might work--but I would have to be near the snake. But my Grandpa Kimball, well he'd just shoots the dirty sucker! That also seems to run in my Dad's side of the family, but he tends to shoot larger objects-- squirrels ect.  I don't have gun, and I'm not quite sure where Sean's shovel is, not that I would even get that close. 

Honestly we know how that situation would turn out, me up on the top of the desk (remember Sean at school happily studying away unaware of the dangers and trauma going on at home), on the phone with the home teacher (no wait I don't think he would face the snake either), Dad-- oh yea he is in another state and I don't know where the shovel is! Just as my mind stared through the ward list, I rolled my desk chair back and saw it out of the corner of my eye............ A CAN OF KIDNEY BEANS! AHHHHH! Half way on top of my desk before I relized it was just a freaking can of beans I hit when I moved my chair! 
Almost peed my pants, but totally took my mind off the noise, and now that I think about it.... I haven't heard it since! 


somebodysmom said...

Lucky you don't have a gun. You would be cleaning the beans off the floor,walls, desk and ceiling.

Randi said...

somebody's mom made me spray Diet Coke all over my monitor.


Anonymous said...

Haha I've got plenty of stories like that...creeping myself out...but that one was really funny!

Tam said...

You are a complete NUT! You make me laugh. I'd just bolt out of the room, shut the door and wait for a man to get home.