Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crazy WalMart People!

I know, I know we have all been there, at the entrance of WalMart and you patiently wait in your car for the people to cross into and out of the store-- somedays it feels like you will never make it anywhere else! After 5 minutes of waiting and yielding (like the signs says here at our WalMart) you start the Indian nose merge, slowly inching into the crosswalk, and FINALLY make it through. Well, I guess those are the good people. What has happened to our WORLD! I know, the "CRISIS" reaches far beyond housing, finances and jobs--we have lost the art of yielding at the crosswalk at WalMart. 

Now, driving like a "bat out of heck" through the cross walk at WalMart trying to dodge the big pregnant lady with a cart full of groceries and two kids, I know that is a lot to ask! But let us all try to act somewhat civilized! 

I also know there are crosswalkers who are not good at protecting their own lives! They just BOLT out of WalMart like they robbed the place and shoot out right in front of your car (without even looking) as it slowly inches it's way through the crosswalk. I'm not trying to change the world, just have some human decency at the local WalMart!


Tam said...

I HATE Walmart. I know I'd save so much money but I always leave so pissed off that its not worth it for me to be onery all day long. Glad you survived!

somebodysmom said...

Go at 2am. It's very peaceful.


Hey Amy! You look so cute pregnant! Hey I have a question for you. I wanted to see if I could possibly rent your house in South Jordan. Could you call or e-mail me. My number is 801-205-3775. and my e-mail is Sorry I don't have your new number!

Randi said...

I hate Walmart cross walks!! Why do they have to take up the whole length of the store??

I hate them as a driver AND a pedestrian. uggh

Jennifer said...

I am with you 100%. Only there is really no other place with prices at EVERY DAY low prices.
I love Walmart, when I shop early in the morning. After about 10am just kill me instead of sending me there!