Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Are you a list maker? Come on, I know the truth! You make a list with 65 things that you would like to accomplish by the time you head hits the pillow again. Does making a list make you feel better, or worse? The end of the day comes and half the list is crossed off (a great satisfaction) however, half of the list is not finished (defeat). 

I admit I am a list maker! I make lists for everything, I even admit that I put things on the list that I have already accomplished that day, just to cross it off. (ahhh that feels good) However I am rethinking my list making addiction today. I mean how much more am I suppose to accomplish in a day then walking around carrying the BIG belly with the baby in it! 

 I really think there should be some ground rules for all list makers. 

1. If you are within 8 weeks of delivering a child you may not make a daily list! 
2. (JustRandi did this during Christmas and I think it's a swell idea) If you do not accomplish the items on your list that day, they are terminated (say good bye, never gonna get done!) Really makes you think about what you are putting on that list!
3. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, put your comfy (don't get anything done) clothes on in the morning! 

I have broken all the rules today, within 8 weeks, everything that's on my list has been there for a while, and I put my comfy (don't get anything done) clothes on today. Great that means, I have nothing to do today, maybe lay out in the sunshine and sip Pina Coladas all day! (Gotta run I'll need to make a list of items to pick up from the grocery store!)


Randi said...

Haha! Maybe get some more paper, because you'll need it to make more lists!

Yeah, I really do that during Christmas. I should probably adopt that policy for the rest of the year!

I do think you get a pass if you're 8 weeks away from delivering a baby. Hey, if the kids are safe and happy all day, and you can still make pina coladas, I say go for it!

Tam said...

I am a list maker too but I rarely accomplish what I need to. I figure as long as my kids are loved, fed, taken care of etc, anything else that happens is a huge bonus! I agree that w/ 8 weeks left, ditch the list making. Especially once you start nesting ... I can only imagine what you do when you are nesting. YOu've already got more energy than anyone I know!

Christy Matthews said...

I gave up on the list thing a few years ago!!! I am so much happier without them! I had a friend suggest it because I would feel bad about all I didn't do and all I have to do the next day to make up for that. I only make a list when I go to the store! If it's really important you won't forget to do it! The other thing I have done is: if at all possible do something right when it comes to mind. If I can't it's clearly not as important as the thing I am doing right now and if I forget about it...was it really that important at all.

Just a thought! Love you!

somebodysmom said...

I love lists - not for you at your present state, but for those like me. #1 on my list is go visit Amy. See that thought keeps me happy just knowing that it's an option. So I love looking at the list every day.