Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What kind of cow are you?

I can honestly say, I didn't sign up for this. Moving to Texas was the perfect part of the plan, but I didn't know that perfect plan had a farm involved in it. God sends us EVERYTHING we need, I know he does. If we open our hearts and minds to listen, no matter how difficult or challenging it may seem, he feeds us EVERYTHING.

I love Saturday mornings, especially slow Saturday mornings. This slow Saturday was early into our arrival of the Wild Grass & Full Pond summer, the kids were playing happily outside. I don't remember the exact activity, but I do remember chasing lizards was on the task list. Sean was busy putting the finishing touches on his talk for sacrament meeting and I was being entertained by the children.

I think it would be a safe assumption to say I would consider myself more of a city girl. I was feeling very out of place, but intrigued by this country setting, after all I only owned a pair of flip flops and running shoes and the rest of my shoes have 4 inch heels. Contemplating my new setting was quickly interrupted by a scene taking place in the pasture. I couldn't quite tell what was happening, but as the scene unfolded my eyes quickly filled with tears. I tried not to draw the children's attention to the field, but it was inevitable.

The owners of the farm had rounded all the baby calves and herded them into an old farm truck. The mother cows were not happy. As the truck pushed it's way through the cows and across the beautiful green wild grass, the mother cows quickly fell into three categories. Some of the mothers stood trying to make a fuss, and quickly died down. The other mothers followed the truck for a short run and stopped. But one mother in particular would not stop. This mother ran as quickly as she could, making a huge scene, chasing the truck with her baby all the way through the pasture, until the truck had come to a stop to open the gate to get out onto the road. She didn't stop, she dug her hooves into the soft wet ground, making as much noise as she could, protesting as loudly as she could.
I came into the house sobbing, not only because the baby calves were gone, but at the surprising lesson one mother cow taught me. What kind of cow was I going to be? I am so blessing with an amazing mother that did chase me all across the field, who protested bad decisions I made, but she NEVER gave up!

I believe God gives us what we need, he feeds it to us, but are we always listening? If we open our hearts and minds to listen, no matter how difficult or challenging it may seem, he feeds us EVERYTHING!


Lindsey &Gunner said...

Thanks for making me cry Amy.. awesome post :)

Bridget said...

Ditto Lindsey :)