Friday, March 18, 2011

Wildflowers & Patience

I don't think I've seen a more beautiful spring then this spring in southeast Texas. Wildflowers are piled high everywhere you go. Bright vibrant green wild grass, and just like the cherry on top of my favorite flavor of ice cream, colorful wildflowers. As you drive down the highway, surrounding our house, down old main street, the flowers surround you. The beautiful vibrant color waking everyone's winter slumber.

This spring I feel like the beautiful wildflowers are a gift to me. I have always believed that God only gives you challenges you can handle. I remember vividly times in my life, where I have broken down and pleaded right out loud to my Father in Heaven, that "this was more than I can handle!" Even knowing what was coming next a calm cool reaction, peace that drips over me, and a strong assurance that I can handle this.

Patience is intriguing to me. I think it is a virtue that few that have ever lived have mastered. In the midst of a "challenge" it seems to be the only thing that you can think of. I know that this life is full of challenges, some who have met me may think I'm naive, that I simply don't see the negative scenes around me. Untrue, I choose to believe this life is full of happiness. And honestly probably equally bad and good. I simply choose to see the good in life, in people, in the circumstances that surround me, I choose to see the wildflowers and not the rain. But you have to endure the rain with patience to see the breathtaking wildflowers.

It's interesting at the seemingly end of a challenge, when it's so close you can see the end. God does something..... he lets us stretch. A little further, a little longer, a little more refinement. Why? I think he wants us all to rejoice more! More rejoicing in the wildflowers, more rejoicing in the giggles, more rejoicing in journey. So at this last mile of my marathon, I will choose to stretch a little farther. I will not break! I know that God only gives us what we can handle, and I choose to become that person that he knows I am! May you see your "challenges" as opportunities to touch others, to stretch further, to become the person that he wants you to be.


Bridget said...

I loved reading this today. :) Perfect timing. XOXO

Jennifer said...

You're so inspiring. Thanks for the positive thoughts. :)

Becca Sharp said...

Wow, Amy. I haven't been faithful at reading people's blogs for months now. I have no internet at home. So, I was just going to catch up on a few people's blogs today. Just reading your first three posts, I am struck by you. You have an amazing talent at seeing the positive in everything! I learn so many lessons from you! I admire you, and your attitude. You are wonderful. Thanks for the uplift!!!